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9 Results

  • ‘Ukraine is alive and kicking’: Zelensky in address to US Congress

    ‘Ukraine is alive and kicking’: Zelensky in address to US Congress

    "This battle cannot be frozen or postponed. It cannot be ignored, hoping that the ocean or something else will provide protection," Zelensky said.

  • Zelensky visits US in first trip abroad after Russian invasion

    Zelensky visits US in first trip abroad after Russian invasion

    This will be Zelensky's first visit outside Ukraine after the Russian invasion, and his second to the US. His previous visit to the US was in September 2021.

    December 21, 2022
  • Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy planning to visit US

    Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy planning to visit US

    A visit by the Ukrainian leader to Washington would amount to a significant moment 10 months after Russia's war in Ukraine began.

    December 21, 2022
  • Zelensky meets EBRD chief on Ukraine’s post-war recovery

    Zelensky meets EBRD chief on Ukraine’s post-war recovery

    Kiev wants to attract money from international partners in the energy, infrastructural, and educational spheres, as well as the restoration of housing for Ukrainians, Zelensky said.

    October 22, 2022
  • Monuments and memories

    Monuments and memories

    Public memory is not uniform or static. Statues and memorials erected in the years after the second world war are prime examples.

    September 10, 2022
  • Where will the West’s provocations lead?

    Where will the West’s provocations lead?

    Notwithstanding the risk — still remote, but hard to ignore — of a potential nuclear conflagration in Europe, the main Western adversarial focus appears to be on China.

    July 28, 2022
  • Pressure on Scholz

    Pressure on Scholz

    In the immediate aftermath of the Russian invasion, Mr Scholz had announced a Zeitenwende (dawn of a new era) in Germany’s defence policy. This envisaged shipments of anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine.

    April 18, 2022
  • US, other nations must aim to end war soon

    US, other nations must aim to end war soon

    There has always been a hawkish section in the US foreign policy establishment (just as there has been a section which advocates peace and reconciliation) and problems increase whenever the hawks dominate. Some of them appear to believe that the more Russia gets struck in a quagmire, the better it is.

    April 8, 2022
  • 俄罗斯入侵could cripple global economy

    俄罗斯入侵could cripple global economy

    Europe is likely to be first in the path of any economic storm, partly because of its greater dependence on Russian energy supplies, but also because of its geographical proximity to a war on its doorstep. In the US, any economic difficulties could further weaken the Biden administration and bolster isolationist, America-first views.
